Children And Their Common Allergies

Parents, have you noticed your kid occasionally scratching after coming from school? Have you heard them sneezing after they play and pet your dog? Do you notice of their eyes are a bit watery or puffy after coming home from the park with friends? If you find some unusual things happening to your child that you think might be caused by a certain allergy, go to an allergy physician right away to find out the cause and remedy for it.


Any child can have an allergy. It is when their immune system overreacts to a harmless substance. Every time your child becomes exposed to certain allergens, their body’s immune system releases histamines that can start an allergic reaction.

Here are some of the allergy-triggering components:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Insect Stings
  • Animal Dander
  • Medications
  • Food


The symptoms of allergic reaction vary from one person to another. Aside from the common sneezing, coughing, scratching, and puffy eyes, there are other serious allergy symptoms that your child might manifest too.

  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Queasiness
  • Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling of some parts of the face or tongue
  • Some tingling feeling in their mouth

If you suspect that your kid is showing any of these symptoms, immediately see a doctor so they can be treated appropriately.

But as a parent, there are times when you actually do not need a doctor to treat your kids’ allergy and there are tips for you to actually do that.


  • Allergies are like the first sign of a cold-stuffy nose, runny nose, itchy nose or eyes, and sneezing. Some kids might experience headaches or fatigue. Having an allergy can affect your kids’ activities like in school, play, and family affairs.
  • Common Treatments:
    • Antihistamines – orally being taken and it can immediately treat a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing also hives and itchy skin.
    • Nasal Corticosteroids – it’s highly an effective treatment to control and prevent chronic symptoms. It’s an everyday treatment that is safe for children.
  • Find out what your child is allergic to, being able to know what causes the reaction is a step ahead to finding the right treatment. In order to determine what causes the allergy, Allergy Testing should be done in order to find out if your child is allergic to any specific elements in the atmosphere. Nasal allergy can be triggered by various environmental indoor allergens such as dust mites, pets, and pests while outdoor allergens too like pollens. Molds can also trigger an allergy symptom as it is present both indoors and outdoors.
  • The key is to avoid any allergens that trigger the symptoms. If you have been well informed about the allergy cause of your child, you can do the necessary steps and precautions to prevent any allergic attacks.
  • If your child is allergic to pests, seek for a professional exterminator, seal holes and cracks where pests can enter. Store food in tightly sealed plastic containers and immaculately clean all food remains and residue to get rid of pests and reduce the level of allergens inside the house.
  • Dust mites are present where moisture is present. They can thrive in beddings, upholstered furniture, and area rugs and carpets. To eliminate dust mites, encase your pillows, box springs, and mattresses in allergen-proof, zip-up covers. Every 1-2 weeks,  wash your linens and other bedding like blankets and comforters in hot water.
  • If outdoor allergens cause your kids’ allergy, using air conditioners will greatly help. Teach your kids to wash up, shower and bath every day to wash out allergens from their body and hair. Children with mold allergies should avoid playing with leaves during fall.
  • Consult with your pediatrician about allergy shots or immunotherapy to reduce allergy symptoms. Allergy shots are given to patients with a sure defined allergy.

The nicest thing about being a kid is that they don’t worry about the big stuff only adults can handle. All they want is to have fun, play and enjoy life. But for parents, seeing your child being prevented to things they love doing before they caught an allergy breaks your heart. Make a regular visit to your allergy clinic to find out the progress of kids’ allergy and ways to completely get rid of it so they can go back to doing the things that make them productive and happy.

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