Safe Sex

Safe Sex – The Only Way to Melt Into the Emotion Completely!

People describe sex in unique ways. Some say sex it’s an emotion; some say pleasure of sex can’t be described in words. No matter what people believe, one thing is pretty clear nothing is more enjoyable than sex. As it is one of the most basic human tendencies.

However, one must act responsibly while having sex. Contrary to what most people believe, sex and responsibility are not on opposing sides.

With Great Enjoyment comes Great Responsibility

Protects against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Sexual intercourse can result in sexually transmitted infections like HIV. Especially, if you are having sex with a new partner make sure he or she should not have any STDs. Using condom is one of the easiest way of protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases. Also, try to form a habit of going for regular medical checkups and don’t forget to takes your partner with you. But in the moment, it is not always possible to assure if your partner has STD; in that case, it is better to use Condom.

Protects against unwanted pregnancies

Condoms give reliable protection against unwanted pregnancies. Quite often in the moment, it is not easy for sexual partners to maintain control. That might lead to an unwanted pregnancy. So it is better to use condoms, as it doesn’t require you to be completely in control and at the same time helps you to steer away from surprises in future. Never use male and female condoms at the same time. Rubbing can tear them apart which will only increase the chance of getting pregnant. Always keep the thickness or thinness of condom in mind. Never use extra thick or extra thin condoms.

Easy to use

Condoms are very easy to use. You just have to wait for the complete erection, tear the wrapper, put it on the tip of your penis and roll it down. Voila! That’s it. The best part is, that condoms are used on the external, don’t require any complicated methods to use it.

No side effects

Unlike pills, there are no side effects of using condoms. For health reasons never reuse a condom, they are meant for one time use only.

Cheap and easily available

Condoms are cheap and are easily available at pharmacies, convenience stores and even through the vending machines. They are especially helpful for teens as they are unable to use more complex methods of keeping themselves safe from sexually transmitted diseases.

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