Protecting trees against winter damage
— January 3, 2016Harsh climate can cause a significant amount of damage to trees. Winter sun, cold temperatures, snow and wind can desiccate and bleach your green trees. It is important to protect trees from winter damages. You can hire emergency tree services to protect your trees from storm damage. The tree service providers know how to safeguard trees.
Protect Your Trees from Freeze
Snow and ice can break branches of your trees. Winter damages can make your trees look ugly. Trees which are most susceptible to winter damages are-Oleander, Citrus, Catalpa, Jacaranda, Jacaranda and other tropical trees. Tender and new trees can easily get injured by cold temperatures. Some trees can handle freezing temperature and snow, while others can’t. You need to take precautionary measures to protect trees against winter damages.
How to protect trees from seasonal damages
It is possible to protect trees and plants against winter damages. If you leave your trees without protection, your trees might get killed. Take sneak peek over the below mentioned information to protect your trees from winter damages:
Water your trees deeply one day prior to the expected frost. Water will help trees in surviving the freezing temperatures. Water can store heat, and moist soil can better conduct heat than dry soil. Furthermore, dark soils absorb more heat than light soils. This dark colored soil becomes the source of heat for your trees and aid trees in bearing cold temperature.
Cover your trees and plants with tarps, burlap, sheets, cloth or an old blanket. Properly wrap the entire body of your trees. Extend coverings to the ground so that trees can get the warmth from the earth.
Help trees to recover
No matter how much precautionary care you take to protect your trees from winter damages, your trees will get injured. However, you can provide after care to help trees recover. Inspect your trees, detect the damage and try fixing it.
Hire tree services
Tree maintenance is not as easy as it sounds. It requires a lot of knowledge and experience to maintain trees in the healthy condition. Hiring tree services for tree care is the smartest way of protecting trees from all sorts of damages.
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