Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive Oil for the Skin

Lots of features remedies for skin treatment recommend the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil or EVOO. The reason why olive oil for the skin is much better than chemical based cosmetics and skin care products is that this oil is derived from the plant compound, which infuses the skin a variety of valuable antioxidants. This also provides essential minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. Olive oil for the skin is highly recommended as it contains antioxidants that help to eliminate free radicals from the skin. That is why olive oil for the face is so amazing. In addition, the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the skin was proven to decrease wrinkles caused by oxidative damaged done by free radicals to the skin cells.

Aside from dry skin, Extra Virgin Olive Oil also works for oily and irritated skin. This oil has a non-greasy nature – it does not stick, so it’s recommended for people with oily skin. It can be used as face massage. Also, it is beneficial to people with irritated skin as it has high levels of antioxidants and good fats that promote skin healing and get rid of free radicals. It can be used as massage for sun burnt and irritated skin. In Spain, there is a century old saying, “Olive oil makes the pain go away”.

Olive oil is the best first aid for skin burns. When you suffer from skin burn, cool it under running water and immediately apply olive oil. The antioxidants of the olive oil not only help the wound to heal faster, but the olive oil itself keeps the skin from getting exposed to the air that may carry infection.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also recommended for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks are another concern for both men and women. Using olive oil as massage, the skin’s regenerative properties can be restored improving its elasticity. It not only lightens the present stretch marks, but also prevents the formation of new ones. The benefits of olive oil are truly extensive. EVOO is also the best cooking oil, and amazing as a hair treatment as well.

Make no mistake about it; Extra Virgin Olive Oil is truly as the legendary author Homer put it “Liquid of God” or “Liquid Gold”.

More information can be found at Olimila Gourmet Emporium. They have only the freshest hand bottled Extra Virgin Olive Oil for all you skin, hair, olive oil gifts, culinary needs or olive oil gift baskets. View their gourmet foodie program on YouTube called “The EVOO Show” at www.youtube.com/olimilagourmet.

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