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Google to Warn Website Visitors of Unsecured Sites

Security is essential especially for online retailers who need to safeguard their customer’s personal information. An easy way to do this is with an SSL certificate. SSL (abbreviation for, Secure Sockets Layer), can be described as a standard security technology which allows sensitive information such as credit card details and passwords to be transmitted via secure channels over the web, so they are not stolen. SSL encrypts the data that’s sent between your site and the visitor’s browser, so it can’t be read as it’s sent across the web/internet. The encryption technology scrambles the information or data, making it unreadable to anyone else except those who have the decryption key. You can easily tell if the site you’re viewing is SSL certified if the “http” is replaced with “https,” (abbreviation for, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).

Avoid Getting Tagged As Not Secure By Google

Google is set to take its’ next step in creating a much more secure internet, and starting January 2017, Google says that the Chrome browser will explicitly label sites that do not have the SSL certificate as “Not Secure,” if they contain pages which accept passwords and/or credit card numbers. In the near future, Google will also label all sites without an SSL certificate as Not Secure, regardless of whether, or not any personal information is sent to the said site. This step will provide Chrome browser users with a visual indication that communications with their website might not be safe. This is more than enough reason to get an SSL certificate installed on your dedicated hosting server.

Improved Security

If your site contains online forms which request entry of sensitive information or data from visitors, then installing an SSL certificate on your hosting server will help prevent potential hackers from accessing this information when its’ transmitted over the web. The SSL certificate adds a layer of security which protects against various online threats.

Higher Level of User Trust

An SSL certificate is also very beneficial when it comes to gaining your customers’ trust. When the SSL is in place, there’s a seal which appears on the site, and the address bar may also display a green lock icon signaling that there’s security in place. Today, many online shoppers are savvier about internet security, and they want to know that their personal information is safe. Using the SSL certificate reassures your customers that it’s safe to enter their information.

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