Furnace Service: Furnace Maintenance Tips

As a homeowner, you need to take good care of your furnace. Taking care of the unit ensures that it’s working optimally all the time. It also gives you peace of mind as you know that it can’t grind to a halt in the middle of a cold night. To help you out, here are tips given by furnace service professionals on how to ensure that your unit is functioning optimally all the time:

Regularly vacuum the unit

Lint and dust not only give your furnace an ugly look, they also make your unit work harder than it should hence a high monthly bill at the end of the month. A unit that works too hard also tends to have a short lifespan.

For you to reduce the amount of dirt in the unit, you should regularly vacuum the insides and around the furnace. For ideal results, do this at least once a month. Do you have a wall furnace? You should clean the insides of the burner compartments. You should clean these areas at least once a month during winter. This is to prevent a lot of dirt from accumulating.

If you have a gas furnace, you might have problems telling the right time to clean it. A tell-tale sign of a unit that needs cleaning is the color of the flame. A properly functioning furnace should be burning in a blue flame.

If the flame is yellow or orange, it’s time to clean the furnace. You can do the adjustments if you have the skills but if you have never done it before, hire a professional help you out.

Keep the air flowing

For the furnace to function optimally it needs fresh air. When the unit isn’t receiving enough air, it tends to spend the oxygen in your home. Low oxygen levels in the house are unsafe for you and your family. Furnace experts also report that when the furnace doesn’t receive enough air, it tends to heat up thus ending up consuming a lot of energy.

You can increase the amount of oxygen that the unit receives by clearing any obstructions and openings that might be preventing the unit from receiving enough oxygen.

Keep flammable items away from the unit

Since the furnace produces heat, it can also cause a fire. For you to prevent the unit from causing a fire in your home, you should keep any items that can catch fire as far away as possible. Some people use the furnace room for laundry or storage. This is dangerous but if you can’t avoid it, you should keep the room as organized as possible.

You should note that any item that you keep near the furnace is a serious hazard thus you should be cautious of how you use it. Are you using the furnace room like the laundry room? Avoid hanging clothes from the unit. You also should keep the cleaning solutions in airtight containers.

Some of the flammable materials that you should keep as far away from the furnace as possible include: papers, sawdust, paint, gasoline, wood scraps, old rags, and any other flammable object or liquid you might be having in your home.

Undertake regular furnace inspections

Just like any other appliance in your home, you need to regularly inspect your furnace. This will help you in identifying issues even when they are in their initial stages. You can do the inspections if you have the skills but if you have never done it before, let a professional handle it.

In addition to inspecting the appliance, professionals will also clean the unit leaving it not only good to look at, but also functioning better. Regular furnace inspections have also been shown to reduce furnace breakdowns. This is because the furnace repair service Falls Church provider you hire is able to identify the problems while they are in their initial stages and fix them immediately.

For you to get the most from the contractor, you need to hire the right one. When hiring, find someone who is highly experienced. He/she should also be certified to work in your area. If possible, find an insured person. This way you have peace of mind that in the event your items are damaged, you will be compensated.

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