An Introduction to Two of the Most Common Dental Procedures
— February 12, 2016Your body is an incredibly complex system. Though, that’s probably not something you need to be told. Fortunately, today we’re only focused on your mouth. More specifically, we’ll focus on two of the primary methods your dentist uses to preserve and — when all else has failed — replace your teeth. That’s right, we’re talking about the dreaded “root canal” procedure as well as dental implants.
But let’s start by dispelling a couple misconceptions. First, we deal with a definition. A root canal isn’t a bad thing! It’s actually quite normal. Why? Because a “root canal” is simply the name for the inside section of your tooth, which consists of the nerve and the “dental pulp”. When your tooth is decayed, or you have a cavity that goes untreated, these spaces can become infected — which is bad news for your teeth, and if left untreated, the rest of your body as well. When this occurs, you require what is known as a root canal procedure or root canal treatment, which carefully bores into the space inside your tooth to clean out all the infection and bacteria. Next, is the myth regarding pain.
They say root canal treatment is painful. In fact, they say root canal treatment is very painful. Fortunately they (whoever they refers to) are completely wrong! The root canal procedure is actually performed to alleviate the pain associated with your symptoms. The pain comes from infection, and the treatment ensures it quickly goes away. Part of this misconception is also carried over from a bygone era when local anesthetic wasn’t quite what it is today.
Root canal treatment is an incredibly important preventative measure your dentist takes to preserve your teeth when they’ve been assaulted by infection and bacteria. Many times, you might not know you need one at all, but if you ever notice persistent pain that seems to shoot into your jaw or wake you up at night — call your dentist immediately! In our dental practice in Garden Grove root canal procedures are performed virtually every day, and patients of all ages have come to know that they are a relatively routine, painless, and incredibly helpful procedure that can literally save your tooth’s life.
If, on the other hand, you don’t make it to the dentist in time for root canal treatment, there’s a chance that you can lose your tooth (or teeth). This is never an outcome we like to see, because you only get one set of teeth. However, if it does happen — you aren’t without options. This is when dental implants come into play. Here in Garden Grove, dental implants are frequently used to both fill spaces left by infected, rotted, or otherwise damaged teeth. While they are typically a last resort (due to their cost in relation to a root canal procedure or a dental crown), they are very effective when it comes to restoring your smile to its former glory. Dental implants are simple to care for and — when cared for properly — will last as long as 20 years or more.
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