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Surveillance System Tips When Hosting Holiday Guests

If you are planning on hosting holiday guests at an office or residence, taking steps to maintain the security of your commercial property or home can provide peace of mind through the season. The rate of theft increases around the holidays, and having the appropriate surveillance measures in place can provide you with the evidence needed to recover your belongings.

Remote Monitors

Consider having someone remotely monitor your surveillance system while you are hosting guests. Many systems like wireless IP camera systems from All Secured Security Services can be accessed remotely from a phone or computer. While you hope that all your guests are honest, having a surveillance system is added security that could make a difference. Remote viewing is very useful to monitor any vendors, employees, and guests from wherever there is internet access.

If you are hosting holiday guests for an extended period of time, consider changing the configuration of your surveillance system for the duration of their stay. You may not require the same security features you normally would. Turning on or off an audio surveillance may also be an important consideration for the privacy of your guests in certain areas.

Depending on your needs, a daycare camera system with a DVR may be valuable for your holiday gathering. Ensuring the safety of kids while adult guests are present is a number-one priority for many parents. Having access to surveillance footage can provide comfort that the children are being taken care of appropriately at all times.

For shuttle services to and from a gathering, on-board vehicle recording will let you know exactly how your driving service is performing. Any resulting accidents or thefts can be handled appropriately when there is surveillance to back up the statement of a driver. You can also monitor the safety of the driver hired at all times. On-board vehicle recording systems can monitor GPS signals, provide wide angled footage, and replay video data. They are typically mounted on the dash or windshield of a vehicle.


Make sure the lighting is sufficient in the areas you want surveillance. Detail could be important for image quality later on if there is a security concern. Also, check your surveillance system’s power supply. It should be plugged into an uninterruptible power supply. Having a surveillance system is great, but if the power supply is cut off, it won’t provide much security.

If your surveillance is for a business guest gathering, use it to collect data about your guests. Having quality information about what your guests do and do not like in terms of products or services can be valuable information for improving a company. The analysis could help you change your business solutions for the better.

Contact All Secured Security Services in Columbus, Ohio, for more information about surveillance tips and solutions that can make your holiday gathering safe. We’ve been serving the central Ohio region for 25 years, and have experience with many different surveillance solutions. For your holiday surveillance needs, our security system installation professionals use the best tools and resources to provide you with peace of mind at every step of the way.

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