Easy Online Fundraiser for Your Next Breast Cancer Walk
— March 6, 2015Breast cancer is a serious health issue that affects thousands of women every year. In 2014, an estimated 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in US women, along with 62,570 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. 8 out of 10 women can survive breast cancer beyond ten years, largely because of the continued dedication and research being done to find a cure.
When you hear that a friend or family member has been diagnosed, a natural reaction is to try to figure out how you can help. One of the easiest and most supportive ways is to organize a team for an upcoming Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, or а similar breast cancer walk. With that comes the need to raise funds which support the research to find a cure. Outside of asking for straight donations; one fun idea for your team to raise money is to hold a Hip Chix Online Jewelry Fundraiser.
There are many amazing breast cancer walks you can choose from, Susan G. Komen offers many and the Avon 39, Walk to End Breast Cancer, are two of the largest. The quickest way to reach your fundraising target is to find a fundraiser that is unique and easy to implement and allows all members the opportunity to get involved. An online jewelry fundraiser is perfect as it’s easier to host and produces excellent results.
The first benefit of an online fundraiser is the extended reach. Via social media platforms, you can let thousands of people know about your Breast Cancer Walks Fundraiser and reach friends and families from near and far. Online fundraisers also make it easier to donate, as supporters won’t need to attend, but can help the cause with just a few clicks.
The key is finding a good fundraising idea that offers a product most women love. It was that basic reason that Hip Chix Fundraisers was created. We know women love to help others and most love jewelry, making our fundraising program the perfect fundraiser for your next breast cancer walk effort.
Online fundraising will spare you both time and money and makes it simple to adjust or update the content, and keep your supporters and donors informed.
Hip Chix offers fashionable, trendy jewelry with 40% to 50% of each purchase going to your teams fundraising campaign.
Let Hip Chix Fundraisers help your team make a difference by organizing your online fundraiser now. To get started click here
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