Office relocation is a very time-consuming and expensive effort. You need to spend a bunch of money on moving not only furniture and equipment, but also files from the whole company. You start wasting money long before the moving day and sometimes continue even during some time after you have settled in. If hiring professional movers, sometimes you may save your money but you will always save much of the nerves spent on this process. So you always need to create a budget to include all of your expenses (from labor to announcing the change) which will help put you on the success path.
Planning the Move
- Before even thinking of moving, set your budget and stick to it. But do not create it arbitrarily, because in this case you have all chances to end up spending much more than expected. So when planning your office moving hire a professional tenant representative to set a practical, solid budget taking into account all of your moving expenses.
- Make an inventory of the assets you already have. Professional movers advise to think of what equipment and tools might be used at a new location and at the same time think of what you might need to buy after the office moving. So plan for the future and not only for the current moment to make sure that you have all resources needed if or when your business starts to grow in the close future.
- At least a month before the moving day of your office, contact the service providers and make sure to tell them when you will not need their services any more. Moreover, you can invite them before the office moving to give you a tentative price for services at your new office. Do not forget to remind them that you still plan to talk to their competitors. This hint might help you to get a better deal on moving services.
Office Closing
- Before closing your office after taking all your stuff away make sure that you know what you need to do. In this part even professional movers cannot help you. Sometimes you might need to do repair work before moving out.
- Before hiring movers talk to your landlord. As a rule, you have to provide them with a written notice that you intend to move or renew the office lease. Try to do it as early as possible and always within the leasing terms. Also you need to let him or her know about special requirements that you will need on your office moving day.
Moving Time
- During the office moving period keep track of the expenses and try to regularly check them against the created budget; they always ought to match fairly.
- Be sure to coordinate the process of hiring the movers who will actually transport all your goods. Also you need to be there during the process of moving because not always movers know what you want or need. They do not know your interior ideas so either write all your idea and hand them to the movers beforehand or rule the process of placing your office items during the whole time.
Also think of making a grand opening of your new location right after the office moving process is completed. Give your employees a couple of days to get accustomed to the new building and find out about any problems that might have effect on your operations. Remember that problems will always occur no matter what you do so just take it as granted and have fun!