Conscious Uncoupling: Separate Amicably

The term “conscious uncoupling” highlights a legal approach to divorce introduced years ago. The idea to get married to one person for life without some level of awareness of unresolved emotional needs creates too much pressure for everyone. In fact, it’s easier for most of the couples to stay happy by thinking of their relationship in terms of daily renewal rather than lifetime investment. This seems to be a reason as why people say their long-term relationship changed overnight, once they got married. Face the reality, people don’t change but the expectations do. Most of us assume that everything in a relationship will remain the same based on a single promise made and that somehow signifies that no further work is required to make the marriage remain intact. Everyone should realize that the belief structures create rigidity in our thought process. If anyone wants to separate then efforts should be made to change the concept of divorce.

The collaborative approach of “conscious uncoupling” was founded by Minnesota attorney Stuart Webb in 1990. This collaborative law denotes a process that gives couple and their lawyers a way to divorce through mutual discussion of the issues and all the negotiations are based on a shared desire for the best outcome for both parties involved.

Although, it has been a common affair for couples to get into highly contentious litigation without a prenuptial agreement, the concept of conscious uncoupling has a goal of an amicable legal separation. With this practice, two adults want the best for each other despite failings of the relationship. This new approach requires divorce attorneys to rethink the legal implications of this shift in separation and divorce proceedings.

Conscious uncoupling creates space for the mediation process that allows couples to be fair with their requests and expectations and work out differences. The process of mediation works well in all types of peaceful or contentious situations. This helps to make the couples stay respectful to each other always. With the help of attorneys resolving the divorce issues and attending the mediation sessions, the legal divorce allows couples to move on with their lives as soon as possible.

It is usually because of the involvement of the children whenever divorcing couples move on emotionally. So, with regard to parenting time, this approach gives child welfare one of the highest priorities and most of the issues between the parents can be resolved quickly. The same approach applies to resolving the issues of child custody.

The child custody issue is potentially one of the most contentious and expensive due to the length and process of legal negotiations between the couples. Although, both parents want what is best for their child but the interests need to reconcile to make a final decision.

The approach of conscious uncoupling helps to reach child-related agreements in the early stages of divorce that seems to be better to everyone’s health. The parents come to realize that “custody” is a label where people need not to focus and it’s the amount of quality time spend with the children that remain as the real goal.

The admonition of all these issues being more readily to resolved is that couples must choose conscious uncoupling. This brings a bonus to divorce attorney as both the couples are willing participants and the entire proceedings does not have to be contentious in nature. With this positive approach, people can set the standard for divorce which can be a new reality for attorneys as well as couples.

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